Thursday, November 17, 2005


i've been thinking on and off for some time now that i would like to write in a blog. seems like everyone has one these days. i'll have you know though that as a real asian, i've had a xanga blog since april 2002 ;) does it still count even if i've written a grand total of maybe 10 entries?

i've even been told that i should start writing in one. how flattering to think that at least someone is interested in the few thoughts i might have. on the other hand, i've been given the impression that only self-centered individuals would think that anyone could possibly be interested in their day-to-day activities. another complaint is that blogs are usually replete with emotional teenage drama. as my day-to-day activities can be neatly summed up in one sentence (go to work, optionally go rock climbing, play computer games/read, then sleep), and as i am no longer a teenager (though sometimes emotional), i will try to avoid such blog faux pas.

i must admit though that i personally enjoy reading about friends' daily musings, both commonplace and profound. i'm especially interested in stalking my little cousins' blogs (it's really fascinating how quickly they're growing up).

so there you have it. all entries should be read in a sarcastic tone of voice, and if you don't like what i write, too bad, i don't care. unless you're really mean about it :(

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